cover image: Report No. 29 MINORITY RIGHTS Price 45p GROUP


Report No. 29 MINORITY RIGHTS Price 45p GROUP

12 Feb 2024

include the Church of the Nazarene, the Church of the We should keep the religion but this part of their pro- Apostles in Mozambique, the South African Church, the gramme should descend to the deepest hell.' 47 United Apostolic Church of Zion, the Ethiopian Church Six more expatriate WTBTS leaders were ordered out of of Portuguese Africa, the Complete Church of God, the the country on 24 December.. [...] combat the blacks would fight against the whites, members of The independence of the early African Watch Tower move- the Watch Tower would fight but not die, and they alone would ment from the WTBTS headquarters in New York was escape the subsequent wrath of God, as they were protected another of its most attractive features to Africans at the b~ a book which contained the secrets of the equality. [...] It also widened the horizons and aspirations of the To the Kunda, the loss of their lands showed that the old migrant worker, while subjecting him to the injustices of tribal leaders were unable to provide protection from or low wages, poor living conditions and the colour bar in the accommodation to the colonial presence. [...] The 1966 Constitution of the Republic against the People's Power and its representatives, against of Malawi states, for example, that 'the Government and the national economy or against the objectives of the the people of Malawi shall continue to recognize the People's Republic of Mozambique.' Those arrested can sanctity of the personal liberties enshrined in the United be sent to 'Centros de Desc. [...] In the People's Republic of Mozambique the areas and the south of the country from which it was State guarantees to its citizens the freedom of practising 96 effectively excluded by the Portuguese during the war.
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United Kingdom