cover image: Edited version of 2023 Global Report_FINAL EN


Edited version of 2023 Global Report_FINAL EN

16 May 2024

1 Our Affiliates’ advocacy strategies at national, regional and international levels brought us to the united voice and cooperation with trade unions on the ratification and implementation of the ILO Convention 190 along with the promotion of formalization of the informal economy, including through social protection extension and the right to the collective bargaining. [...] NIDAWU, Namibia | East and Southern Africa A NEW POLICY FOR THE INFORMAL ECONOMY NIDAWU has successfully participated in the development of the National Policy for the Informal Economy and the National Diagnostic of Informality, an ambitious study of the causes and consequences of the informal economy in the country. [...] With the major global economic crisis, as a result of factors such as the Covid-19 Pandemic and the prolonged effects of its economic losses, the impact of the war in Ukraine, the conflict between Israel and Palestine and the consequent rising inflation that lead to a high cost of living, countries’ economies are devastated, victimizing the poorest most of all. [...] The aim of the leadership training was to discuss in depth some of the duties, rights and responsibilities within the mandate of the Council members, as well as to strengthen ties and solidarity among the new leadership. [...] Astana, Kazakhstan and Tashkent, Uzbekistan | March-April 2023 | The visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan were conducted by StreetNet Secretary Jamaladdin Ismayilov and Kateryna Yarmolyuk- Kroeck, Organizer for Europe and Central Asia, with the goal of understanding the work of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs, Business and Service Sectors of Uzbek.


Media StreetNet

Published in
South Africa