Agricultural Experiment Stations

An agricultural experiment station (AES) or agricultural research station (ARS) is a scientific research center that investigates difficulties and potential improvements to food production and agribusiness. Experiment station scientists work with farmers, ranchers, suppliers, processors, and others involved in food production and agriculture.



NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 17 May 2024 English

Women's contribution to the economy has been markedly underestimated in predominantly agricultural societies, due to their widespread involvement in unpaid agricultural work. Combining data from the US Census and several …

replicated across a number of state Agricultural Experiment Stations and in other contexts between the

CEP: Centre for Economic Performance · 21 September 2023 English

The first are a set of policies that seek to protect domestic markets from foreign competition; the second are a set of policies that seek to integrate domestic markets internally; …

Kantor & Whalley (2019) show that agricultural experiment stations, which were created at land grand

The Aspen Institute · 1 August 2023 English

Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) – universities and colleges that enroll a significant percentage of minority students – are located throughout the nation in nearly every state. Our recent briefs focus on …

and is conducted through the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, the Cooperative Extension Service

New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center · 1 June 2023 English

In September 2022, in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), the NJDEP released a supplement to the original report that described the direct, indirect, and wide-ranging influences …

universities, together with the associated agricultural experiment stations and cooperative extension services

UCS: Union of Concerned Scientists · 21 April 2023 English

The people whose work puts food on our tables face a variety of hazards in their jobs, but research that would help protect their health is severely underfunded by the …

NIFA Data Gateway: projects at State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES) funded by the Hatch Act of Federal Grants Wire. 2022. “Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act.” Federal Grants stations-under-the-hatch-act.html#.Yk3AuijMI2w

COSSA: Consortium of Social Science Associations · 21 March 2023 English

The tables in this document list the amounts enacted by Congress FY 2022 and FY 2023, the amount proposed in the President’s FY 2024 budget request, and a comparison of …

million for research conducted at State Agricultural Experiment Stations under the Hatch Act program, the same

FAS: Federation of American Scientists · 2023 English

by USDA research agencies, state agricultural experiment stations, land-grant universities, other cooperating

CESifo Network · 28 September 2022 English

In many ent,” begins with a careful assessment of the emer- services, there are residual craft elements that con- gence of capabilities in the cyber-physical systems tinue to rely on …

near these types of colleges that agricultural experiment stations were set up. The crucial question

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