cover image: Background - A robust body of research finds a relationship between economic conditions and crime. For instance, multiple studies have found that crime goes down as


Background - A robust body of research finds a relationship between economic conditions and crime. For instance, multiple studies have found that crime goes down as

30 Nov 2023

Focusing on 1998 to 2016, a time period in which there were three federal minimum wage increases and 302 state or substate minimum wage increases, the analysis estimates the effect of these boosts in minimum wage on arrests while controlling for various county-level demographic, economic, and political measures. [...] Findings Analysis of the UCR data shows a statistically significant relationship between “[The findings support] the raising the minimum wage and increased hypothesis that employment-loss property crime arrests for 16 to 24 year- induced increases in idleness olds. [...] A 1% increase in the minimum wage was associated with a .08% increase in the property crime arrest rate for males and a .04% increase for females. [...] The results from the self-reported data in the NYSL97 survey differ slightly from the UCR police reports. [...] The authors estimate that have important unintended a 10% increase in the minimum wage from external costs on society that 1998 to 2016 contributed to an additional should be considered in 80,000 larcenies perpetrated by 16-to-24- assessment of the policy’s year-olds.
Published in
United States of America