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Arctic Shipping: - Trends, Challenges, and Ways Forward - Recent Shipping Trends

12 Jul 2023

Recent Shipping Trends According to the Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working Group, shipping activity in the Arctic region grew by 25% from 2013 to 2019, and continues to Arctic Shipping: Trends, Challenges, and Ways Forward | Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center | August 2023 1 grow. [...] The number of goods transported on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) over the last six years rose from 5.4 million tons to 33 million tons in 2020.1 While transit shipping in the NSR remains modest (around one million tons), transportation of resources extracted in the Russian Arctic accounts for the bulk of shipping in the NSR and its further growth.2 The sanctions imposed on Russia in the wake of the. [...] The adoption of the Polar Code by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduced minimum safety requirements and standards related to the protection of the marine environment. [...] There is also a question of implementing the IMO-based instruments: e.g., the Polar Code leaves much to the discretion of the flag states in terms of defining the exact scope and substance of safety standards, exacerbating the problem of “flags of convenience.” This has prompted the stakeholders – states, local communities, shipping companies – to find ways to address remaining problems. [...] This brief was originally prepared for and presented at the Harvard/DHS Workshop on Impacts and Policy Challenges from Rapid Climate Change in Alaska, co-hosted by Harvard Kennedy School’s Arctic Initiative and the Science and Technology Directorate of the U.
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