cover image: Free & Equal: Revitalising Australia’s commitment to human rights – summary report


Free & Equal: Revitalising Australia’s commitment to human rights – summary report

26 Nov 2023

32 2 FREE & EQUAL: Summary Report 3 9 Foreword The Final Report of the Free & Equal project is the culmination of 5 years of research and consultations – across the community and the nation. [...] The report is the outcome of the Australian The scope of the Free & Equal project has been Human Rights Commission’s 5‑year project: wide and ambitious and the work has been ‘Free & Equal: An Australian conversation delivered in 3 parts: on human rights’. [...] government and the community about what we can do collectively to better promote, protect and fulfil human rights FREE & EQUAL: Summary Report 7 9 2. A new National Human Rights Framework for Australia Australia needs a National Human Rights of people with disability also highlights the Framework to achieve an effective system of need for better protection of human rights human rights protection f. [...] The experience during the COVID‑19 pandemic and of decision making in relation to the The proposed National Human Rights Robodebt scheme are illustrations of how Framework would also create a ‘human rights decision making can lose focus of the human eco‑system’ in which human rights impacts are rights impacts on people when decisions are front of mind at all stages of the legislative, being made w. [...] 8 FREE & EQUAL: Summary Report 2. A new National Human Rights Framework for Australia Figure 1: National Human Rights Framework OBJECTIVES • Set national priorities • Protect human rights in law, policy and practice • Benchmark and review progress • Hold government to account • Educate the community about their rights • Ensure transparency in decision making about human rights PILLARS 1 2 3 4 5 En.


Australian Human Rights Commission

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