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Climate Change Adaptation Issues for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Cities - Nadezhda Filimonova

12 Jul 2023

Credit: AP Photo/Peggy Fagerstrom A R C T I C I N I T I AT I V E | AUGUST 2 0 2 3 Climate Change Adaptation Issues for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Cities Nadezhda Filimonova Arctic and sub-Arctic cities are already experiencing the impacts of rapid climate change in the region, which pose severe risks to urban infrastructure and the health and livelihoods of urban residents. [...] Climate Change Adaptation Issues for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Cities | Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center | August 2023 1 The State of Urban Climate Change Adaptation in the Arctic The Arctic has been changing at an unprecedented rate over the past several decades, driven by climate change, with the pace of warming in the region four times fa. [...] Engaging all relevant stakeholders facilitates the inclusion of local needs and interests in broader discussions on climate security and resilient cities, contributing to more diverse policies and strategies for addressing the specific needs of Arctic cities and their residents. [...] This brief was originally prepared for and presented at the Harvard/DHS Workshop on Impacts and Policy Challenges from Rapid Climate Change in Alaska, co-hosted by Harvard Kennedy School’s Arctic Initiative and the Science and Technology Directorate of the U. [...] “Climate Change Damages to Alaska Public Infrastructure and the Economics of Proactive Adaptation," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, no.
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