cover image: URBAN MIGRATION



29 Nov 2023

This led EMPOWER to find out the impact that community-led While there were variations in how committed Applying a gender lens to the research helped to conclude that the conviviality and solidarity infrastructures in superdiverse neighbourhoods they were and in the quality of their research, addresses gaps in knowledge. [...] innovation for migrants’ access to housing and handling of migrant support and housing in reflections and recommendations for urban social inclusion) conducted extensive research general, combined with urban characteristics decision-makers in public, civil, and housing into the ways in which housing options and stakeholder networks, presented organisations. [...] Sharing of the city, and therefore located closer to The process identified diverse challenges of discrimination at both a societal and policy communal areas like a kitchen, for example, local communities and the services essential and stimulated local co-creation to identify level. [...] Project overview This culminated in a series of international Policy paper: Housing Refugees from Ukraine: Preliminary Insights and Learnings from the Local Response in Five European Cities exchanges held in May and September 2022 Journal article: Refugee Migration from Ukraine to Other Parts of Europe Policy information: Forced Migrants’ Access to Housing in which the responses to the housing and. [...] Girls were more inclined to The metaphorical rucksack gets filled as Conducting activities in public places such attend in groups, if their families trusted the The Art of Belonging project set out to participants build an understanding of the as Nottingham Castle and local libraries activity leaders, or if getting to the venues did mitigate the isolation which forced and, in culture of their new.
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