cover image: REPORT  - Policy dialogue on recent economic developments, outlook, and monetary


REPORT - Policy dialogue on recent economic developments, outlook, and monetary

6 Sep 2023

To achieve this target, the NBR’s daily operations endeavour to steer the 7-day interbank rate close to the central bank rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). [...] She reminded the purpose of these series of dialogues is to set a framework of policy makers and the rest of the communities to brainstorm on current policy issues for policy awareness and potential recommendations. [...] Discussions by the participants After the presentation, participants had time to ask questions and make reaction and contribution to the on the topic of discussion. [...] The move by the National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) means the policy rate will rise to 7.5 percent, having initially sustained the rate at 7 percent despite pressure from the IMF to further tighten monetary policy. [...] Headline inflation is expected to fall within the band (below 8 percent) - an average of 7.6 percent in the fourth quarter by the end of the year to around 5 percent next year, according to the Central Bank.


Hudhaifa Gasasira

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