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Tackling fraud in UK aid: country case studies - Approach summary paper

14 Dec 2023

The UK’s 2006 Fraud Act defines fraud as the act of making a false representation or failing to disclose relevant information, or the abuse of position, in order to make a financial gain or misappropriate assets.3 Beyond financial loss, fraud ¹ Tackling fraud in UK aid, Independent Commission for Aid Impact, 8 April 2021, link; Tackling Fraud in UK aid through multilateral organisations, Independe. [...] Prevention is the most effective way to address fraud and corruption The Public Sector Fraud Authority estimates between 0.5% and 5% of all government spending is lost to fraud and error.6 The UK government does not publish the amount of detected fraud in ODA, or through contracts and grants; however, FCDO reported overall detected fraud of £2.2 million in 2020-217 compared to total expenditure of. [...] We will then look at how effectively fraud risks, allegations and concerns are identified in the country, and the level of training and experience of staff with fraud risk management responsibilities. [...] Effectiveness: How effective are the UK’s overseas teams at identifying and responding to fraud allegations and concerns in aid delivery? • How does the UK identify fraud risks at the country and programme level? • How do country staff learn of fraud allegations or concerns, and how quickly and appropriately are they managed? • How well do country staff understand fraud risks in their portfolios?. [...] The review will use the case studies to assess how well fraud risk is managed in practice at the country level and to draw out examples of good practice, areas of weakness and learning opportunities relevant to wider fraud risk management in FCDO and other UK government departments that manage ODA programmes.
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United Kingdom