cover image: SPOT ON The Truth and Nothing but the Truth: EU


SPOT ON The Truth and Nothing but the Truth: EU

14 Dec 2023

Disinformation also ternet resources, social media, satellite televi‐ played a role in both Germany and the EU in sion, and traditional radio and television the run-up to the 2017 Bundestag and the broadcasting, Russian actors distribute and 2019 European elections. [...] Rather, Advances in generative AI, such as large lan‐ the majority of disinformation is produced guage models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, have the and disseminated by domestic actors for do‐ potential to further exacerbate the problem as mestic purposes, as a study commissioned by the production of disinformation becomes the European Parliament found in 2021. [...] The like Discord or messenger services like Tele‐ advent of AI has the potential to substantially gram, are not the cause of the disinformation enhance the persuasiveness of disinformation environment but provide fertile ground for the messages because content can be more easily creation and dissemination of disinformation. [...] The EU is also working on the “Proposal fora Regulation on the Transparency and Target‐ ing of Political Advertising” (published in AI can also contribute to increasing resili‐ 2021, it is currently in the trilogue phase be‐ ence against disinformation tween the Commission and Council). [...] An interesting approach is the Research: Society needs to invest in research project “Der Fabulant” from the news portal and data collection to improve understanding Hessenschau, which belongs to the German of the structure, scope, spread, and impact of television and radio broadcasting company disinformation.


Michaela Zintl

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