cover image: Survivor engagement, prevention, and advocacy: a case study from the front-


Survivor engagement, prevention, and advocacy: a case study from the front-

28 Nov 2023

The findings and recommendations presented here serve as a call to action, urging stakeholders to prioritise and support the endeavours of frontline organisations such as BBSS, ultimately working together to combat the problem of human trafficking in source areas and protect the rights and well-being of survivors. [...] 2 Survivor engagement, prevention, and advocacy: a case study from the front-line source area in India Acknowledgement The study is grateful to Amina Khatun Laskar, the secretary and director of the community-based organisation Bansra Birangana Seva Samiti (BBSS), and Santanu Sarkar, the founder member of BBSS and their team, for their immense support during the fieldwork. [...] The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre or the Arts and Humanities Research Council. [...] As part of the Needs Assessment section, the social workers put down the rating (out of ten) given by the survivor in each dimension in the appropriate box with the date of the rating. [...] From the group discussion, the survivors understood the hierarchy in the governance system and the roles and responsibilities of the concerned officer bearers and departments.
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United Kingdom