cover image: The South African Community Capability Study T h e C


The South African Community Capability Study T h e C

22 Apr 2013

The capability approach offers a framework to assess levels of development from the perspective of the freedom communities have ‘to be and do’ what they ‘reason to value’; which is a major shift from the traditional paradigm of equating development with income (and access and ownership of a bundle of commodities). [...] the capability set include the set of choices or freedom to lead one or another kind of life and the functionings are what individuals and communities are able to do and be. [...] KEY FEATURES OF THE COMMUNITY WORK PROGRAMME When reading this report it is important to keep the following key features of the Community Work Programme in mind: The CWP provides access to a minimum level of regular work on an on-going and predictable basis for those who need it most at the local level. [...] We are taught that and we also go and get their medication at the clinic if they do not have strength to go themselves.” (uMthwalume CWP) 21 CWP Contributing to CWP Mitigating the Impact of Unemployment (evidence over Deprivations Expansion of Opportunity various dimensions of the study) Set Instability in Improves the safety and “It is good to have a job, it protects one from having anger in he. [...] So my mom always thinks - is my child going to be safe in the street?” (Randfontein CWP) o “Who dreams of working outside in the cold sweeping and cleaning rubbish? We are just working because we need to.” (Randfontein CWP) o “Piece jobs are better than the CWP work.” (Randfontein CWP) Other than income, both the nature of the work and the training offered by the programme is limiting for some res.



Published in
South Africa