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The Illegal, - Visit our website - Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Risk Index

6 Dec 2023

1 THE ILLEGAL UNREPORTED AND UNREGULATED FISHING RISK INDEX - 2023 The 2023 Index scores and their implications Worst-performing regions and ocean basins by indicator group in 2019 In 2023, the global score across all state The tables on the right highlight the regions and Type responsibilities and types of indicators was 228, ocean basins of most concern for IUU fis. [...] Perhaps the most to respond to and counter the threat of IUU fishing, operations because of the COVID-19 pandemic and to compliance and crime in the sector are considerable, widely quoted is a study from 2009, ‘Estimating the as well as their exposure and vulnerability to the reductions in China’s reported catches. [...] Section 3 provides overall results for the combined flag, coastal, port and general indicators, highlighting the best- and worst-performing countries and The scores for countries contained in the Index are not a proxy for the volumes and exploring differences in scores between regions and ocean basins. [...] 2023 update • France • Vietnam • Jamaica (+ 4 others) • Somalia• China • China • Guinea-Bissau • RussiaFlag • France • Taiwan • Libya • China • Japan (+ 5 others) • South Korea (+ Russia) • Russia • Taiwan The third edition of the Index has enabled a longitudinal analysis of the risks of IUU • Canada • China • Jamaica • China • Chile • South Korea • North Korea • Spain fishing, tracking changes in. [...] for each indicator for the country concerned, and how the country’s scores compare to the average scores for The website has a home page, which introduces the Index the region and the ocean basin(s) in which the country is 2023 and explains the content of the different webpages.
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