cover image: India 4056+ 48+ 46+3555+ 4754+ +59 +493760+ +63 69+


India 4056+ 48+ 46+3555+ 4754+ +59 +493760+ +63 69+

21 Nov 2023

IUU Fishing Risk Index 2023 Country profile 5 India 32023 IUU 1 World ranking 4 of 152 countries ▲ 48 Score Asia 2.97 2 of 20 countries▲ 12 West Indian Ocean ranking 2 of 22 countries ▲ 6 2.38 2.75 3.00 3.47 East Indian Ocean ranking 1 of 9 countries▲ 4 IUU score trends Coastal score trends ▲ 0.38 Flag score trends ▲ 1.00 2021 - 2023 change ▲ 0.61 5 5 5 4056+ 48+ 0 46+3555+ 0 4754+ +59 3 Port scor. [...] Green or red arrows show change in 2023 compared to 2021. [...] Coastal score 2.38 ▲ 0.38 Coastal score by vulnerability 2.33 ― 0 2021-2023 Related Indicators 2023 2021 change 2019 Size of EEZ 5.0 5.0 ― 0 5.0 Agreement over all maritime boundaries 1.0* 1.0 ― 0 5.0 Dependency on fish for protein 1.0 1.0 ― 0 1.0 Authorise foreign vessels to operate in EEZ 1.0 1.0 ― 0 not available * indicates that scores from the 2021 version of the Index have been used due to 2. [...] Port score 3.00 ▲ 1.14 Port score by vulnerability 3.00 ▲ 0.50 2021-2023 Related Indicators 2023 2021 change 2019 Number of fishing ports 5.0 4.0 ▲ 1.0 4.0 Port visits by foreign fishing or carrier vessels 1.0* 1.0 ― 0 5.0 Port score by prevalence - Views of MCS practitioners on port compliance incidents not not applicable applicable 1.0 View of fisheries observers on port compliance incidents not.
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