cover image: Universities UK International UK – Israel innovation researcher


Universities UK International UK – Israel innovation researcher

1 Dec 2023

MOBILITY SUMMARY Please summarise whether the individual mobilities have taken place up to 31 August 2024, if there are any discrepancies to what has been awarded, please indicate this in the final column of the table below Researcher Direction Role: category of Gender Mobility Start date End date Is this mobility /Research of travel researcher (eg. [...] EXPECTED OUTCOMES (up to 400 words) Please succinctly explain how the mobility project has helped achieve the expected outcomes as outlined in your application, including: 2 Please send the completed form by email to • Advancing the researchers and research related staff skills in innovation and entrepreneurship a. [...] • Any unfinished elements to the project and why 4 Please send the completed form by email to 3. [...] FINAL OUTCOMES (up to 400 words) Please succinctly explain how the mobility project has achieved the expected outcomes as outlined in your application, including: • Advancing the researchers and research related staff skills in innovation and entrepreneurship as well as the innovation element of the specific research field/s to which the project relates • Addressing areas outlined in the UK Innova. [...] How will the new skills of the researchers and research related staff be embedded and utilised to their full advantage on return to the UK? 5 Please send the completed form by email to .


Isabel O'Hagan

Published in
United Kingdom