cover image: Freedom Online Coalition Strategy & Coordination Meeting, November 2023


Freedom Online Coalition Strategy & Coordination Meeting, November 2023

7 Dec 2023

Under the first agenda item, Chengetai Masengo and Anja Gengo from the UN Secretariat joined themeeting to discuss next year’s IGF to be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the future of the IGF in light of the concerns raised by different stakeholders and the upcoming multilateral processes related to the governance of digital technologies. [...] FOC-AN Members provided suggestions for strengthening references to the importance of protecting the global and interoperable nature of the Internet as distinct from addressing threats to human rights occuring at the content layer, as well as the need for including meaningful stakeholder engagement throughout the POA with explicit reference to the role of civil society and the FOC-AN. [...] They highlighted the importance of considering the GDC process in the context of wider Internet governance discussions in the lead up toWSIS+20 Review in 2025, which is likely to be influenced by the outcomes of the GDC and the Summit of the Future. [...] Regarding the GDC, FOC-AN Members suggested using the sub-entities to support coordination around the process, as well as highlighting the success of the FOC-AN’s Proactive Advice and encouraging FOCMembers to think strategically about how the FOC-AN can continue contributing not only to the GDC, but to WSIS+20 and the IGF discussions. [...] ○ The SU noted two questions that will be raised to governments: ■ Is the FOC the right place to negotiate language ahead of the GDC? ■ Is the development of a GDC Paper with key messages and talking points the right approach? ○ Members agreed to share the draft FOC/UN talking points on the screen with the FOC-AN during the Joint RoundtableMeeting.
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