cover image: Turning the European Green Deal into Reality

Turning the European Green Deal into Reality

26 Jun 2023

Turning the European Green Deal into Reality The European Green Deal, from a vision to a comprehensive response to a ‘polycrisis’ In 2019, the European Parliament elections gave The adoption of the 14 laws, also known as the ‘Fit for unprecedented momentum to the need to address climate 55’ package1, sets in stone all the means to reduce change, prompting European Commission President Ursula green. [...] E3ME modelling projects the number of EVs in the stock, the number of second hand EVs becoming available is an estimate based on a) the total fleet of EVs in any given year The modelling exercise examines the energy and (projected by E3ME based on historical data to 2022) and socioeconomic outcomes of two scenarios: b) assumptions for the lifetime of these cars and the share of EVs in all second-h. [...] Include local communities in the planning of the and the installation of solar panels on the gas phase-out for building, in order to have roof as a great way to improve the comfort a broad acceptance of the building transition of homes and reduce bills55. [...] In consultation with local authorities and workers, major investments are planned in retraining workers for the renewable energy sector, the development of the bioeconomy and the redevelopment of the sites, creating new activities and securing the coal phase-out. [...] In the short term, a few options could for national implementation be explored to scale up the EU green industrial base, for example, the use of carbon market revenues by EU and the upcoming EU debate: countries or the quick deployment of the Innovation Fund to support new manufacturing capacities.

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