cover image: 6/22/2023 12:23 PM 23CV25164


6/22/2023 12:23 PM 23CV25164

22 Jun 2023

16 17 Rather, the heat dome was a direct and foreseeable consequence of the Defendants’ decision to sell 18 as many fossil fuel products over the last six decades as they could and to lie to the County, the 19 public, and the scientific community about the catastrophic harm that pollution from those 20 products into the Earth’s and the County’s atmosphere would cause. [...] The County of Multnomah also brings this action 12 as an exercise of its police power, which includes, but is not limited to, its power to prevent 13 pollution of the County’s property, air, and waters, to prevent and abate nuisances, and to prevent 14 and abate hazards to public health, safety, welfare, and the environment. [...] 11 Pursuant to ORS 468A.205(2) the Oregon legislature declared “that it is the policy of this 12 13 state for state and local governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations and individual residents 14 to prepare for the effects of global warming and by doing so, prevent and reduce the social, 15 economic, and environmental effects of global warming.” 16 20. [...] 200 Portland, OR 97204 Phone - (503) 228-5222 Fax - (503) 273-9175 1 2 restore and maintain the quality of the air resources of the state in a condition as free from air 3 pollution as is practicable, consistent with the overall public welfare of the state.”11 4 21. [...] Motiva has an interest in a joint-venture partnership with Shell 11 and Texaco known as Motiva Enterprises, LLC, which refines and markets petroleum products in 12 the eastern and Gulf Coast areas of the United States under the Texaco and Shell brands.
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United States of America