cover image: 1 ROB BONTA EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES Attorney General of California UNDER GOV. CODE SEC. 6103


1 ROB BONTA EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES Attorney General of California UNDER GOV. CODE SEC. 6103

16 Sep 2023

Defendants’ climate deception campaign, and aggressive promotion of the use of 17 fossil fuel products while knowing the dangers associated with them, had the purpose and effect 18 of unduly and substantially inflating and sustaining the market for fossil fuels while 19 misrepresenting and concealing the hazards of those products to deceive consumers and the 20 public about the consequences of eve. [...] Exxon consists of numerous divisions and affiliates in all areas of the fossil fuel 9 industry, including exploration for and production of crude oil and natural gas; manufacture of 10 petroleum products; and transportation, promotion, marketing, and sale of crude oil, natural gas, 11 and petroleum products. [...] 17 Exxon’s statements in California and elsewhere made in furtherance of its campaign of deception 18 about and denial of climate change, and Exxon’s affirmative promotion of its fossil fuel products 19 as safe with knowledge of how the intended use of those products would cause climate change- 20 related harms, were designed to conceal and mislead consumers and the public, including the 21 State. [...] BP’s statements in California and elsewhere made in furtherance of its campaign of 4 deception about and denial of climate change, and BP’s affirmative promotion of its fossil fuel 5 products as safe with knowledge of how the intended use of those products would cause climate 6 change-related harms, were designed to conceal and mislead consumers and the public, including 7 the State and its reside. [...] Relevant information was shared among API and the Fossil Fuel Defendants 21 and the Fossil Fuel Defendants’ predecessors-in-interest through the following: (1) API’s 22 distribution of information to its members, and/or (2) participation of the Fossil Fuel Defendants’ 23 officers and other personnel, and those of the Fossil Fuel Defendants’ predecessors-in-interest, on 24 API boards, committees, a.



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