cover image: INVESTMENT ZONES: - Unlocking Growth in the UK


INVESTMENT ZONES: - Unlocking Growth in the UK

16 Jan 2024

Initially announced in September 2022, Investment Zones Given the aims of the scheme, it’s of equal importance to were a new policy as part of the Government’s growth plan both the UK’s manufacturing sector and the Government that at the time. [...] The manufacturing sector is spread The research sets out to reveal the understanding of the policy, throughout the UK, with many of these firms occupying areas how the sector will react and what business activity will occur that the Government has identified for levelling up, a core as a result of the policy incentives. [...] As part of the location selection methodology for the placement of current and future Investment Zones, the This data shows us that, even before the full rollout of the Government considers the strength and capacity of the proposed Investment Zones, the likelihood of taking up the local leadership. [...] 97% of manufacturers report that 100% rate relief would be beneficial for their business, Our research reveals a clear hierarchy of benefits for the sector, with 100% business rates relief topping the chart as the most making it the most advantageous fiscal beneficial, holding the greatest proportion of sentiment from intervention of the Investment Zones incentives the sector that suggests the rel. [...] Given this, it’s likely that the already seen in the ask for the time period of Zone incentives to supportive figure, that approximately 75% of the sector would be increased from five years to ten years, to better match consider participating in an Investment Zone, would likely be the industry’s investment cycles and to provide long-term even higher now given the broadening of the incentive offer.
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United Kingdom