cover image: February 2024 - AN ASSESSMENT OF wildlife trade in Central asia


February 2024 - AN ASSESSMENT OF wildlife trade in Central asia

9 Feb 2024

Notably, TRAFFIC thanks Fauna & Flora, the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan (ACBK), The Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ecological Resource Centre “EKOMAKTAB”. [...] These requests generally from the State Customs Committee of took place over the latter half of 2022 as the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry follows: of Natural Resources of the Republic • For Kazakhstan, information on wildlife of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Zoology, seizures was collected by the Association the Institute of Botany of the Academy of for the Conservation of Biodiversity Scien. [...] The Institute of information requests to government Zoology of the Academy of Sciences agencies made via formal letters of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the comprising: 1) the Committee of Forestry Ecological Resource Centre “EKOMAKTAB” and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology then compiled the information received for and Natural Resources of the Republic of the analysis. [...] The Border Service and the Kazakhstan; 2) the Agency of the Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs replied that the of Kazakhstan for Financial Monitoring information was classified and could not of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic be shared. [...] of Kazakhstan; 3) the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Online research 4) the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Between January and February 2023, research Republic of Kazakhstan; 5) Border Service was undertaken online of open-source reports of the National Security Committee of the of illegal trade incidents reportedly involving Republic of Kazakhstan; and 6) the Stat.
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