cover image: naamsa_New_Energy_Vehicle_Thought_Leadership_Discussion_Document_



20 Feb 2023

To support the transition of the South African automotive industry to an NEV dominated market, while continuing to develop the local industry in alignment with the objectives of the SAAM, the automotive industry recommends the following interventions for Government’s consideration: 1. [...] In addition to the above, the industry is prepared to match the purchasing subsidy from government for the different NEV categories in order to narrow the price differential between NEVs and ICE vehicles further to stimulate an accelerated off-take of NEVs in the country. [...] It is also imperative that the Rules of Origin for CBU exports to the UK/EU, which currently stand at 60%, be reduced via the SADC-EU EPA review to accommodate the lack of a real localisation opportunity for the battery in the foreseeable future in South Africa and the EU/UK. [...] The long term NEV policy in the country should be linked to the timeframe of the SAAM 2035 and the target of 60% of the new vehicle market to comprise NEV sales by 2035 should be subject to appropriate government support levels. [...] South Africa’s New Energy Vehicle Transitional Roadmap - The Route To White Paper 19 Building green economy is the only viable path to a resource-efficient, low-carbon and pro-employment future for South Africa, and its commitment to the green economy as the anchor for its strategy is one of the keyways to contribute to the realisation of this goal and the economy's sustainability and effectivenes.
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South Africa