cover image: States Regulating Date Labeling Potentially Perishable  Hazardous  Meat/


States Regulating Date Labeling Potentially Perishable Hazardous Meat/

8 Oct 2023

States Regulating Date Labeling Potentially Perishable Hazardous Meat/ State Foods F oods M ilk/ Dairy P oultry S hellfish Eggs Other Alabama x x x Alaska x Arizona x x A rkansas x California x x x x Colorado x Connecticut x D elaware x District of Columbia* Florida x x G eorgia x x x x x H awaii x Idaho x I llinois x x Indiana x x Iowa x x K ansas x x Kentucky x x L ouisiana x Maine x M aryland x. [...] States Regulating Date Labeling P otentially Perishable H azardous M eat/ State Foods F oods M ilk/ Dairy Poultry Shellfish E ggs Other N ebraska x N evada x x x New Hampshire x x New Jersey x x New Mexico x x New York North Carolina x North Dakota x Ohio x x Oklahoma x x Oregon x Pennsylvania x x Rhode Island x x S outh Carolina x x South Dakota Tennessee x x T exas x x Utah x Vermont x x V irgin. [...] S tate Food Donation Safety Laws & Guidance R egulations or S tate Guidance Share Tables W ild Game Meat Alabama Alaska Limited x x Arizona A rkansas California Limited x Colorado x Connecticut x x Delaware District of L imited Columbia x Florida Georgia Hawaii I daho x Illinois L imited x x I ndiana x I owa x Kansas Kentucky x Louisiana Maine x D onations During Covid-19 M aryland Pandemic Massac. [...] on animal m ust be waste must To treat w aste to garbage to S tate w aste w aste t reated b e treated w aste swine own swine Alabama x x x Alaska** x Arizona x x x A rkansas x x x C alifornia x x x Colorado x x x Connecticut x x x Delaware x x District of x Columbia** Florida x x x Georgia * * x x Hawaii x x x Idaho x x Illinois x x x Indiana x x x x Iowa x x x x Kansas x x Kentucky x x Louisiana. [...] on animal m ust be waste must T o treat w aste to garbage to State waste w aste t reated b e treated w aste swine own swine Mississippi x x x Missouri x x x x Montana x x x x Nebraska x x x Nevada x x x New Hampshire x x x New Jersey x x x x x New Mexico x x x x New York** x x North Carolina x x x North Dakota x x x Ohio x x x x Oklahoma x x x Oregon x x x Pennsylvania x x x x R hode Island x x x.
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United States of America