cover image: The Future of Human Agency  - Experts are split about how much control people will retain


The Future of Human Agency - Experts are split about how much control people will retain

26 Feb 2023

They are cited here: By 2035, technologies will be designed to allow humans to easily be in control of most tech-aided decision-making that is relevant to their lives 44% of the experts canvassed agreed with the statement that by 2035 smart machines, bots and systems WILL be designed to allow humans to easily be in control of most tech-aided decision-making relevant to their lives. [...] Expect the work of these people to be replaced by AI systems when it is cost-effective and the systems are capable enough.” A number of the experts responding here made the argument that issues tied to this question will likely be battlegrounds in the future as human autonomy is debated. [...] We will need to find new ways to look beyond ourselves and roll the dice of life.” The goal for AI design is to ‘meet or exceed human-level performance … and this leads inexorably to the diminishment or replacement of human agency’ Rob Reich, professor of political science and director of the Center for Ethics in Society at Stanford University, said, “Systems powered by AI will not be designed to. [...] The higher the risk of the AI system being wrong and the higher the consequences of a bad decision, the more important it is for humans to be in control. [...] Information and communication systems make it easy to run critical decisions up the chain of command, taking the yes-or-no choice out of the hands of a low-ranking person and giving it to the person tasked with that level of responsibility.


Emily Vogels

Published in
United States of America