cover image: Medicaid Access and Participation: A Data Profile of Eligible and Ineligible Immigrant Adults


Medicaid Access and Participation: A Data Profile of Eligible and Ineligible Immigrant Adults

27 Oct 2021

Medicaid Access and Participation: A Data Profile of Eligible and Ineligible Immigrant Adults 20 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE Medicaid Access and Participation A Data Profile of Eligible and Ineligible Immigrant Adults OCTOBER 2021 BY VALERIE LACARTE, MARK GREENBERG, AND RANDY CAPPS Executive Summary tion rates for immigrant adults eligible for the pro- gram and provides an overview. [...] Man- ance varied from highs of 97 percent in Vermont, datory stay-at-home orders put in place to curb the 90 percent in Massachusetts, 81 percent in Rhode spread of the virus and to protect lives contributed Island, and 80 percent in Minnesota, New York, and to a slowdown of economic activity and millions the District of Columbia to lows of 25 percent in Ala- of jobs lost. [...] MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE | 6 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE | 7 MEDICAID ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: A DATA PROFILE OF ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANT ADULTS MEDICAID ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: A DATA PROFILE OF ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANT ADULTS BOX 1 Determination of Income Eligibility and Federal Eligibility Individuals generally qualify for Medicaid by meeting the requirements of an eligibi. [...] MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE | 20 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE | 21 MEDICAID ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: A DATA PROFILE OF ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANT ADULTS MEDICAID ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: A DATA PROFILE OF ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANT ADULTS The ramifications of the federal law and cover lawfully present immigrant adults. [...] MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE | 24 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE | 25 MEDICAID ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: A DATA PROFILE OF ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANT ADULTS MEDICAID ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: A DATA PROFILE OF ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANT ADULTS Acknowledgments The authors thank the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Annie E.


Valerie Lacarte; Mark Greenberg; Randy Capps

Published in
United States of America