cover image: Response to the National Skills Passport Consultation Paper


Response to the National Skills Passport Consultation Paper

14 Feb 2024

However, any dividends arising from the implementation of a NSP are entirely conditional on the integrity of the data managed and verified by the NSP, as well as the need to achieve near-saturation utilisation of the system by all user groups. [...] 4 NATIONAL SKILLS PASSPORT KEY PRINCIPLE 1: VALUABLE AND USEFUL 2) From the perspective of an employer: 2a) Do you access and verify skills and credentials for current and potential employees? Yes, universities access and verify skills and credentials for current and potential employees. [...] 5 NATIONAL SKILLS PASSPORT KEY PRINCIPLE 1: VALUABLE AND USEFUL 3) From the perspective of a provider from the education and training sector: 3a) Do you currently access and assess applications for course admissions, recognition of prior learning and credit transfer? Yes, universities access and assess applications for course admissions, recognition of prior learning and credit transfer. [...] Does this process differ for international skills and credentials? Broadly as per the above, but with the addition of an assessment of the equivalency of the qualification to the AQF standards, utilising information from the Department of Education International Education system. [...] The Government should also fund and provide guidance and training for NSP users about what should be included in the passport, how to use the passport, and how to manage their data.
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