cover image: The 55th Session of the Human Rights Council, to be held


The 55th Session of the Human Rights Council, to be held

19 Feb 2024

Given the context of severe repression and human rights violations in the name of drug control recently reported in the country, it is hoped that the High Commissioner will highlight this issue and pathways towards the protection of civilians, particularly people who use drugs and their communities. [...] During this session, the Human Rights Council will consider the annual report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/55/35), which expresses concern about the disproportionate use of the death penalty against members of minorities in Iran and calls upon the authorities to ensure that the death penalty is imposed only for the most serious crimes. [...] Member States and civil society can use this space to condemn the disproportionate impact of punitive drug control on minority groups in many countries, particularly the discrimination faced by minority groups in Iran in the application of the death penalty and to urge the country to halt executions, including for drug offences, which constitute a significant portion of executions globally. [...] Particularly relevant will be the awaited updates regarding the use of the death penalty and any progress made towards the protection of the rights of people persecuted and incarcerated for drug offences. [...] Particularly relevant to drug policy-related issues will be the adoption of the outcomes of the reviews of Colombia, Bangladesh, and the Russian Federation.


malena Ramirez

Published in
United Kingdom