cover image: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals - 52 Meeting of the Standing Committee


Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals - 52 Meeting of the Standing Committee

9 Feb 2024

With the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework during the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15), the Philippines has undertaken preliminary preparations to update the PBSAP in order to align it with the targets set in the GBF and the other decisions adopted during the COP15. [...] 4) At the regional level, the governments of Malaysia and the Philippines reconvened virtually for the 14th Meeting of the Joint Management Committee of the Turtle Island Heritage Protected Area (TIHPA) on July, 2023 hosted by the government of Malaysia to revitalize the cooperation and determine courses of action for the effective management of the TIHPA. [...] The meeting also affirmed the intent to have the TIHPA recognized as ASEAN Heritage Park to highlight the significance of the TIHPA in the ASEAN region and to leverage the mission of the bilateral cooperation to generate support of the range state of marine turtle population in the TIHPA within the ASEAN Region. [...] 16 expediting the rehabilitation and restoration of the coastal and marine 18 UNEP/CMS/StC52/Outcome 1 ecosystems of the Manila Bay resulted to convergence of efforts among national and concerned local governments surrounding the bay, business entities, and citizens to improve the ecological character of the Bay. [...] The Bureau, as the national coordinating agency for biodiversity-related MEAs, facilitates the mainstreaming of the PBSAP into the regular work program of the Department, and the BFAR and the PCSD, and in the engagement of the private sector.


UNEP/CMS Secretariat

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