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5 Mar 2024

Untitled Civil society letter calls on European Parliament to support global access to medical tools by removing export prohibition in Union compulsory license Brussels, 5 March 2024 Dear Members of the European Parliament, Ahead of the March 2024 plenary meeting of the European Parliament, we, the undersigned civil society organisations, call on you to support crucial amendments allowing the expo. [...] As Civil Society Organisations, we support the creation of a Union Compulsory License i in addition to national Compulsory License provisions, as it can significantly enhance the operationality of compulsory licenses within the European Union (EU).ii By benefiting from economies of scale and overcoming legal barriers related to cross-border production and supply, a Union Compulsory License has the. [...] However, the current draft proposal put forward for a plenary vote of the European Parliament contains restrictive provisions (article 11 & 12) explicitly prohibiting the exportation of products produced under the Union Compulsory License outside the EU. [...] Recognising the importance of this issue, the European Parliament Trade Committee has put forward amendments allowing export of a non-predominant part of the supply under a Union Compulsory License as well proposed updates to Regulation 816/2006 dealing exclusively with exports.v We urgently call for your support to these amendments to promote a more inclusive and effective response to global heal. [...] iii Article 31(f) of the TRIPS agreement: “any such use shall be authorized predominantly for the supply of the domestic market of the Member authorizing such use;” iv WTO WT/GC/W/823 Covid-19 and beyond: Trade and Health.


Dimitri Eynikel

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