cover image: Better Together: - Integrating Attendance and Behavior 1


Better Together: - Integrating Attendance and Behavior 1

6 Mar 2024

Resources © 3 Audience Poll #1 Who is in the audience? ❏ District ❏ Elementary ❏ Middle ❏ High school ❏ State ❏ Regional ❏ Other (type in chat) © 4 Presenters Jennifer Freeman Hedy Chang Center on PBIS Executive Director Associate Professor Attendance Works University of Connecticut © 5 Why better together? • The scale of the. [...] © 13 When a Student Misses School, the Impact Ripples 66% of students attend a school with 20% or more absenteeism (SY 2021-22) versus 25% prior to the pandemic © 14 The vast majority of schools experience high chronic absence. [...] The percentage of schools with high (20–29 percent of students) and extreme (30 percent or more of students) levels of chronic absence more than tripled during the pandemic © 16 Reducing chronic absence requires addressing underlying causes of chronic absence including challenges worsened or created by the pandemic Barriers Aversion Disengagement Misconceptions • Chronic an. [...] Thank you for joining us today! 50 Slide 1 Slide 2: Moderator Slide 3: Agenda Slide 4: Audience Poll #1 Slide 5: Presenters Slide 6: Why better together? Slide 7 Slide 8: What’s the difference between ADA, truancy & chronic absence? Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14:. [...] Slide 22 Slide 23 Slide 24: Build a Continuum of Supports Slide 25: Barriers Slide 26: Build a Continuum of Supports Slide 27: Use Data to Guide Intervention Slide 28: Audience Poll #2 Slide 29: Presenter Slide 30 Slide 31 Slide 32 Slide 33 Slide 34: Where We Are and Where We Are Going Slide 35: Presenter Slide 36: Better Together Integrating Behavior and Attendance Slide 37: Integrating Attendanc.



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