cover image: Overcoming Chronic Absenteeism:  Solutions for School Leaders


Overcoming Chronic Absenteeism: Solutions for School Leaders

8 Mar 2024

Overcoming Chronic Absenteeism: Solutions for School Leaders February 27, 2024 Post-webinar Links & Resources Watch the recording • Download the presentation slides • Absenteeism-Solutions-for-School-Leaders-Feb-27-2024-FINAL.pdf Handouts • Handouts for Families (in multiple languages) • Hea. [...] provides tips for communicating with students and families • Qualitative Data Tools include empathy interviews, 2x10 relationship building, student focus groups, an attendance café, and student surveys • Explore the root causes of absence • Attendance related research • More free resources from Attendance Works From FutureEd and Attendance Works: • Attendance Playbook: Smart Solutions for Reducing.



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