cover image: Family Separation in Their Own Words: The Lasting Harm of the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy


Family Separation in Their Own Words: The Lasting Harm of the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy

19 Jan 2024

Family Separation in Their Own Words: The Lasting Harm of the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy Family Separation in Their Own Words: The Lasting Harm of the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy The Trump administration’s family separation policy remains a lasting and disgraceful legacy of that administration and of the United States as a nation. [...] WRC extends our sincere gratitude to the parents and other participants who generously and courageously shared their experiences of family separation at the time of the joint WRC-Barnard College endeavor. [...] I told them no, that I was fine, that I didn’t want to play, all I wanted was to be alone, that I didn’t want to think about how I was there and without my mom.... [...] The only thing I wanted was to forget it all.” (Fifteen-year-old separated from his mother, Guatemala) The Support Separated Families Need, In Their Own Words The effects of family separation are detrimental and lifelong. [...] As participants in our project emphasize, nothing can undo the harm, but there are steps the US can take to begin to atone for the damage and provide resources for forcibly separated families to address the damage done to their mental health, familial relationships, and overall well-being.  When asked what the US can do to help those subjected to zero tolerance, participants frequently noted the i.


Women's Refugee Commission

Published in
United States of America