cover image: The Profitability And Environmental Sustainability Of Cocoa Farming Models In Ghana

The Profitability And Environmental Sustainability Of Cocoa Farming Models In Ghana

1 Mar 2024

vi Executive Summary Objective of the study cocoa farming? This report assesses the profitability of the In answering the above questions, we surveyed different cocoa production models in Ghana, 353 farmers in Ghana’s top three cocoa- including the drivers of profitability and producing regions: Western, Ashanti, and environmental sustainability. [...] What are the linkages between productivity, of the farmers use the high-tech model, and income, and profitability of the current cocoa the remaining 3% combine the three farming farming models in Ghana? models (others). [...] The This report aims to understand Ghana’s report intends to contribute to improving the most profitable cocoa production model on a existing knowledge and information on how best comparative basis, the drivers of profitability, and to ensure sustained profitability of the cocoa the sector’s environmental sustainability (Figure industry in Ghana. [...] With the benefit of a comprehensive survey encompassing 353 respondents, the report highlights the dynamics involved in implementing Fig 1.2 Objectives of the project Identify sustainable Develop and improve the Increased understanding of the profitable cocoa interventions that can existing knowledge and production models in Ghana. [...] Section 4: With the complement of secondary data, this section assesses and reviews the results from the survey conducted in three regions (the Western Region, the Ashanti Region, and the Eastern Region) in order to contextualise the variations in benefits and weaknesses of each of these models in terms of profitability.
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