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Diagnosing Corruption in the Extractives Sector: Chile Case Study

4 Mar 2024

Diagnosing Corruption in the Extractives Sector: Chile Case Study March 2024 NRGI launched the first version of Diagnosing Corruption in the Extractive Sector: A Tool for Research and Action in September 2021, with the support of GIZ. [...] licenses, highlighting a lack of transparency in processes for granting concessions and Drawing on the perspectives shared at the licenses, and improper and/or speculative use Seminar and in-depth research carried out in of the mining concession model. [...] prior steps, Terram prioritized the following issues for the action plan: (1) favouritism in - F avoritism in contract and licensing contract and licensing processes and decisions, processes and decisions, highlighting a lack (2) the obstruction of third-party participation in of transparency, weak institutions, processes, future contracts and licenses, and (3) company and integrity measures (such. [...] Diagnosing Corruption in the Extractives Sector: Chile Case Study 6 • C ontribute to the establishment of a reference price in the lithium industry: Preparing a historical record of the prices implicit in the FOB value of lithium compound exports, cross-sectoral coordination Step 6: Develop an action plan to generate a lithium price indicator, strengthening the institutional capacities of Lastly,. [...] • S upport a level playing field in the processes of exploration and exploitation of lithium: Advancing the establishment of a single, complete, and easily accessible public registry of mining concessions granted, active and expired, establishing exclusion clauses in the bases of bidding processes that prevent the participation of companies in arbitration with the State or with environmental non-.
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United States of America