The other, untested way, laid out in Article V, is for 34 state legislatures to force Congress to call a constitutional convention, also known as an “Article V convention,” to add amendments to the Constitution once they are ratified by three fourths of the states. [...] Why could an Article V convention be a threat? The Constitution offers no rules for how a convention would work or if a convention can be limited to considering one amendment or subject. [...] Congress might try to limit the convention to one amendment or one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey.” — WARREN BURGER, CHIEF JUSTICE, THE U. [...] SUPREME COURT (1969-1986) What could be at risk in an Article V Convention? With no rules to govern or limit an Article V convention, any constitutional right or civil liberty could be subject to change, including: Right to free speech Right to privacy Freedom of religion Right to vote How close are we to an Article V convention? There are several active campaigns to call an Article V Convention b. [...] Conservative convention campaigns, including the balanced budget amendment effort and the Convention of States campaigns, tend to have the most resources and are closer to reaching the 34- state requirement to call a convention.
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- 2
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- United States of America