cover image: Study on poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation :Final report. Part B, Use of digital technologies (including AI) by the public sector for improving the delivery and design of social policies and active labour market policies, as well as for complementing the monitoring of poverty and income inequality


Study on poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation :Final report. Part B, Use of digital technologies (including AI) by the public sector for improving the delivery and design of social policies and active labour market policies, as well as for complementing the monitoring of poverty and income inequality

25 Mar 2024

This study is made of two parts: part A and part B. Part A of the study analyses – through 27 country fiches – the extent to which each EU Member State is prepared for ensuring a socially fair digital transformation in the coming years, based on both its current situation and future prospects. In this analysis, key areas of focus include the labour market, digital skills of the population, social protection as well as cross-cutting dimensions, such as the digitalization level of businesses and the quality of digital infrastructures. Part B of the study reviews – through 30 case studies – some of the main actual and potential uses of digital technologies (including AI) by a country’s public sector for improving the design and the delivery of social benefits and active labour market policies, as well as for complementing the monitoring of poverty and income inequality (the case studies analysed are mainly in Member States but also in a few third countries).
artificial intelligence poverty digital technology digital transformation labour market public sector eu member state social inequality report digitisation digital literacy


Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission, Prognos AG, The Centre for European Policy Studies, The Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis, Khabirpour, Neysan, Pelizzari, Lorenzo, Limbers, Jan, Richiardi, Matteo, Fenwick, Clare, Astarita, Caterina, Westhoff, Leonie

Catalogue number
European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Khabirpour, N., Pelizzari, L., Limbers, J. et al., Study on poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation – Final report. Part B, Use of digital technologies (including AI) by the public sector for improving the delivery and design of social policies and active labour market policies, as well as for complementing the monitoring of poverty and income inequality , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Catalogue number KE-03-24-016-EN-N
Published in
Social , Information technology and telecommunications

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