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Enhancing the social connectedness of mothers with intellectual impairment

5 Nov 2014

For the partic- ipants, the most significant outcome of the SLP may have been the discovery that they were not alone; other mothers struggled too, and felt much the same way they did - flawed and fearful. [...] Selected Findings The SLP employs a problem-posing approach to Despite the considerable effort involved in get- adult learning, based on the work of educational ting the mothers into the program and sustain- philosopher Paulo Freire (1993, 1998), to build ing their participation, the clear consensus the awareness and confidence of mothers with among SLP facilitators was that “it is worth the i [...] People who experience pro- This was effective in engaging and sustaining the longed social isolation tend to view the world as participation of the mothers in the SLP. [...] The SLP em- also complete weekly ‘home challenges’, which are ploys a problem-posing approach to adult learning, contained in the Participant Workbook, and are de- based on the work of educational philosopher Paulo signed to reinforce learning and to encourage further Freire (1993, 1998), to build the awareness and con- reflection and internalization of strategies for negoti- fidence of mothers wi [...] The group-work phase of the SLP includes image of themselves on different parts of the mural focused group activities, discussion and community to indicate, for example, places in the community Enhancing the social connectedness of mothers with intellectual impairment.
health education school curriculum child development behavioural sciences child abuse disability medicine mothers students anxiety further education attachment theory teaching and learning health treatment child neglect mental and behavioural disorder anxiety disorder developmental disability learning disabled women with social disabilities developmental psychology


McConnell, David, Pacheco, Laura, Aunos, Marjorie, Chenier, Sonia, Dube, Camille, Hahn, Lyndsey, Feldman, Maurice, Park, Elly, Savage, Amber

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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