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The utilization of nurse practitioners and physician assistants

15 Aug 2013

The purpose of this research synthesis was to: 1) provide decision makers in the British Columbia (BC) health sector with a comprehensive international review and synthesis of the research literature pertaining to nurse practitioners (NP) and physician assistants (PA), including information regarding their current and potential organization, financing, funding, regulation, and service delivery in BC; and 2) offer pragmatic advice in regard to the future implementation and utilization of these two professions within this province.
health education school medicine nurses professions health care medical specialisation prescription drugs clinical trial prescriptions nurse practitioners physician assistants systematic review further education medical profession health treatment health sciences clinical medical drugs medical prescription health professional general practitioner physician nurse practitioner medical services american medical association physicians' assistants physician assistant ama


Wong, Sabrina T, Farrally, Vicki

Published in
Vancouver, British Columbia


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