cover image: Democracy at work : Démocratie à l'oeuvre : l'Assemblée des citoyens sur la réforme électorale de l'Ontario, rapport sur le processus de la première Assemblée des citoyens de l'Ontario

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Democracy at work : Démocratie à l'oeuvre : l'Assemblée des citoyens sur la réforme électorale de l'Ontario, rapport sur le processus de la première Assemblée des citoyens de l'Ontario

22 May 2007

Matt says the Assembly is “an historic opportunity to make a difference,” and since he studied political science, he’s “quite interested in the electoral process.” Matt is a labour and employment lawyer in Toronto, a partner in a national law firm, and an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto. [...] Margo herself is a lifelong learner and she sees the Citizens’ Assembly as an “amazing learning experience” and a “mind-opening project.” Margo loves travelling, and her trips have taken her to South America and Central America, Mexico, Europe, and the United States. [...] Tom says that the Citizens’ Assembly is a project he “believes in” and that he is excited about having an opportunity to “make a contribution.” He spends his spare time taking courses in book publishing, participating in charitable walks and runs, and enjoying the company of family and friends. [...] For Marie, the Assembly is a “good chance to learn about electoral systems and be a part of something important.” H A L T O N John Daley was born in England and served in the Royal Navy from 1948 to 1955. [...] She says that participating in the Citizens’ Assembly is her “chance to have a say in the electoral process for people from Northern Ontario.” Democracy at Work: THE ONTARIO CITIZENS’ ASSEMBLY ON ELECTORAL REFORM 12 PART I: INTRODUCTION 2. MEMBERS AND THE CHAIR K I N G S T O N. A N D. T H E. I S L A N D S Buddhadeb Chakrabarty came to Canada as a refugee from Bangladesh in 1995 and has made Kingst
accountability government politics elections democracy voting election electoral system electoral reform evaluation methods representative government and representation single-member group decision-making mmp mixed member proportional threshold stv election threshold citizens' assembly party vote proportional electoral system single transferable vote citizens’ assembly on electoral reform
9781424944347 9781424944354
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