cover image: Synergising Digital Public Infrastructure and Digital Commons for Sustainable Development


Synergising Digital Public Infrastructure and Digital Commons for Sustainable Development

27 Mar 2024

We identify the shared and compatible elements of DPIs and digital commons and highlight areas where India and the EU converge and diverge in their policies and approaches. [...] Outcomes of a work session dedicated to the “Role of Digital Public Goods (DPGs) and Digital Public Infrastructures (DPIs) in the GDC to achieve the 2030 SDG Agenda” acknowledge that the private sector should be encouraged to participate in the DPIs but also underline that the “interoperability and scalability of DPIs must ensure ‘privacy by design’”. [...] Through this report, the working team calls upon both the EU and its Member States to invest in digital commons and suggests the establishment of a European foundation for digital commons. [...] Converging digital public infrastructure and digital commons via the G20? Both India and the EU recognise the potential of DPIs and digital commons in progressing SDGs. [...] Despite differences in priorities and implementation strategies, both India and the EU recognise the potential of DPIs and digital commons to counter the dominance of private technology giants in some critical digital infrastructures and, most importantly, as catalysts for advancing the SDGs.


Dang, Vy

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