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Birthing through First Nations midwifery care

3 Nov 2009

These resources, funded by the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada, included the following: Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada Paper Midwifery and Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada Map Exploring the Role of Social Support in Labour and Delivery for First Nations Women and Families Paper First Nations Doulas Brochure Inuit Midwifery DVD “Midwifery form a First Nations Perspective” was w [...] Farah Shroff was contracted to write this paper because of her extensive experience as a developer and instructor in midwifery and medical education, as the author of a book on midwifery, as a strong ally for the sovereignty of First Nations people, as a strong advocate of primary care and marginalized peoples, and as a holistic health practitioner. [...] In the words of David Gehue, Spiritual Counsellor, Mi-kmac Nation (1993): Heal you, the self you help heal the family, The family helps to heal the community, The community helps to heal the nation, The nations help to heal the world. [...] Prophesized Rise of First Nations Today, in the wake of political and social movements for social justice and the re-emergence of spiritual and holistic forms of health care, First Nations midwifery is rising out of its marginalized position. [...] In the case of a transfer of care from a 11 midwife to a physician, midwives may still be involved in some aspects of her psychosocial needs--transmitting information about the progress of a cesarean birth to the partner, advocating for the woman etc.
health human rights government education politics pregnancy indians of north america birth rate childbirth labour medicine midwives health care medical specialisation midwife midwifery indians, north american health treatment health sciences native peoples first nations fundamental rights indigenous peoples in canada home birth maternity care pregnancies obstetricians homebirth
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