Fall 2015 Reports of the Auditor General of Canada REPORT 5 Canadian Armed Forces Housing Office of the Auditor General of Canada Performance audit reports This report presents the results of a performance audit conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada under the authority of the Auditor General Act. [...] Report 5 Reports of the Auditor General of Canada—Fall 2015 5.31 The Agency stated that, when completed, the review of the 2007 policy could significantly affect the required number of units and the way the portfolio is managed. [...] In September 2015, at a pre- meeting of National Defence’s Accommodation Board, the advisory body of the military housing policy, the departmental stakeholders were directed to complete the review of the operational requirement for military housing. [...] Military housing management Overall finding 5.39 Overall, we found that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (National Defence) did not have adequate plans that defined the work, time, and resources needed to modernize the military housing portfolio and meet the current and future needs of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members. [...] The review assessed the condition of the housing units, their suitability against contemporary standards, and the adequacy of the portfolio to meet members’ needs and National Defence’s requirements.