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Health equity discussion paper

30 Jul 2008

Health Equity Discussion Paper Page 5 real problem is differential access to income, housing and these other key determinants of health – this underlying social inequality is the foundation of health disparities.6 This means that the many of the most important forces producing health disparities are far beyond the healthcare system, and that much of the solution to health disparities lies in macro [...] The main directions in which the healthcare system can address health disparities are by: • identifying and reducing barriers to access to services; • ensuring all receive the high-quality and responsive care they need, regardless of their social position and conditions; • targeting investments and interventions towards the most health disadvantaged communities and populations; • building equity, [...] Methodology This analysis is based upon: • an extensive review of academic, professional, practice and other specialized expert literature on the causes of health disparities and on services or interventions to address the impact of disparities; • detailed analyses of policy frameworks, programs and initiatives from leading European and other countries and from the WHO, EU and other international [...] THEME I: BUILD EQUITY INTO ALL SERVICE DELIVERY AND PLANNING The first of these themes is that the Toronto Central LHIN should use the levers and resources it controls in a systematic way to enable, encourage and ensure equity is built into all service delivery and into the very fabric of health service providers (HSPs). [...] The goal of requiring these plans is to: • act as a catalyst to initiate the deep organizational changes needed to build equity and diversity into service planning and delivery in all provider institutions; • lay the foundations for building equity into ongoing accountability, resource allocation and performance management relationships between the Toronto Central LHIN and the providers; • provide
health equality gender government education healthcare politics evaluation discrimination accessibility disability health insurance medicine low income disease best practice health services accessibility socioeconomic factors social medicine social determinants of health health equity healthcare disparities population health community health disparities primary care economic inequality chronic condition healthcare policy supportive housing health treatment government health care homeless people


Gardner, Bob

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