cover image: MY INCOME



8 Mar 2024

Subgroup III - 6 The work is characterised by the performance of the tasks in accordance with the description under General, on the understanding that one or more of the factors below make the work more arduous: • the more independent performance of the tasks, finding expression in less direct, intensive or detailed instruction, assignment, guidance or intervention by the manager and where it come. [...] Subgroup III - 8 The work is characterised by the performance of tasks in accordance with the description under General, on the understanding that compared to the previous subgroup the discipline- specific content and the independence and/or the management role become more arduous, which finds expression in one or more of the following factors: • where special assignments are concerned, the identi. [...] Corporate work is characterised by the substantive participation in the preparation of policy, the implementation of the established policy, the selection and application of methods and techniques, advising the line organisation with regard to the implementation as well as substantive inspection of the policy to be followed. [...] TNO Terms and Conditions of Employment – My Income 23 Subgroup IV - 9 The work is characterised by the performance of the tasks in accordance with the description under General, on the understanding that one or more of the factors below make this work more arduous compared with IV-8: • in terms of breadth and depth, the set of problems involved in the job is more comprehensive; • the tasks are mor. [...] The knowledge and experience level in the relevant areas required to solve the set of problems; • the importance to the objectives of the Organisation of the field of research, preparatory policy making, policy implementation and/or policy review covered by the unit, as well as the degree to which the jobs help establish direction and bear responsibility internally or externally for the continuity.


Bakhuis, E. (Erica)

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