The Contents page is hotlinked to the chapters and index, and bookmarks in the Adobe Bookmark Panel can take you instantly to Case Studies and to the BRIO and reference subheadings within each case. [...] Further, these programs needed to consider the individual from a holistic perspective by taking into account psychological and social components that affect the health of the individual such as quality of life and sense of well-being, along with the physical and cognitive components. [...] Through consultation with a steering group on the assessment of community integration, a foremost consideration in the development of the CIQ was to reflect aspects of participation that were most important to the individuals who experienced traumatic Introduction. [...] The POPS is designed to reflect the perspective of the individual with the disability (subjective) as well as the societal norm (objective). [...] Phase 2 describes the data gathering methods that were employed throughout the course of the research that follow the BRIO Model; it also includes an outline of the case analysis framework based on the complex systems conceptual scheme of human development research known as the Life Space Framework.