cover image: Joint Submission to Committee on Economic Social and Cultural – 75 Session (12 Feb 2024 - 01 Mar 2024)


Joint Submission to Committee on Economic Social and Cultural – 75 Session (12 Feb 2024 - 01 Mar 2024)

12 Jan 2024

Accordingly, it will cover the topics of non-discrimination (Paragraph 11 of the List of Issues) and right to physical and mental health (Paragraph 25 of the List of Issues). [...] Paragraph 11 (c) of the List of Issues “Please provide information on: (c) the cases of discrimination in the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, filed with relevant authorities, as regards the main grounds and areas of discrimination, the penalties imposed on perpetrators, and the remedies provided to victims.” In its reply to the List of Issues, the government of Indonesia mention. [...] Despite civil society’s criticism since the beginning of the reform discussion to remove the drug regulations from the criminal code, the government continued with this codification process by justifying the placement of narcotic articles in the Penal Code as “bridging articles”,12 a concept which remains unclear. [...] Drug treatment should always be voluntary, based on informed consent, and left exclusively to health professionals.”16 As mentioned in the government of Indonesia’s Reply to the List of Issues, the draft revision of the Narcotic Laws has been put into the Legislative Priority List (Prolegnas) of 2019-2024. [...] Unfortunately, the Indonesian government has not shown commitment to transitioning from international donor funded to domestically funded harm reduction programmes.27 Furthermore, the ongoing effort to revise Indonesia’ narcotic law possesses a threat to the continuation of harm reduction programme in the country due to a push to remove the article regulating medical rehabilitation for people with.


Marcela Jofre

Published in
United Kingdom