cover image: Country review of INDONESIA


Country review of INDONESIA

6 Mar 2024

Foreign nationals are disproportionately affected by the death penalty and are made more vulnerable by precarious socio-economic status, lack of fluency in the language of the host country, and lack of understanding of the laws or criminal process. [...] Second is the lack of guidelines on how, during the probation period, the commutation through the Presidential Decree will be given; who is responsible to develop the guiding criteria; and how to ensure transparency of the process. [...] In providing legal assistance at the PK stage, many arguments from examining judges need to be quoted, one of which is 'the execution of death penalty often carried out by the Government always overlooks the detention issue, so the execution of death penalty has become unattractive and irrelevant to the public, although on one side the Indonesian public still considers the execution of death penal. [...] However, the cost for this legal effort is high, because the defendants should pay the lawyer and must cover the expense incurred in the process (such as accommodation for prison officials to take the defendant to the court). [...] Collect and publish updated and comprehensive figures on the number of death sentences imposed each year in the country, the number of people on death row, and the number of pardons and commutations requested and granted; disaggregated by offence, gender, nationality, and age.


Giada Girelli

Published in
United Kingdom