Emissions of second-largest contributor to black carbon emissions in Canada, black carbon have recently become a focus of attention for policy representing emissions of 12 kt, or slightly more than 26% of total makers, due to the emissions’ effects on the near-term warming emissions. [...] Work will continue to improve the completeness and accuracy of the inventory, quantifying the industrial and non- This report presents the results of Canada’s initial effort to devel- industrial emissions that are not captured yet, and refining base op an inventory of black carbon emissions. [...] Emissions of combustion-emissions of PM2.5 for the year 2012 with an empha- black carbon have recently become a focus of attention for policy sis on sources using high-black carbon-emitting combustion makers due to the emissions’ effects on the near-term warm- equipment such as engines and wood-burning equipment, and ing of the atmosphere and on human health. [...] For the purpose of are emissions of PM2.5 from combustion processes and the frac- this inventory, black carbon emissions were considered for the tion of black carbon in the PM2.5. [...] Examples tion were used in conjunction with BC/PM2.5 fractions to esti- of relatively low black carbon emissions from industrial sources mate the black carbon emissions, with the one exception to the include the following: general approach being black carbon emissions from flaring in •. The mining and rock quarrying industry, where the majority the upstream petroleum industry, which were directly
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- Ottawa, Ontario