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Evidence brief : Ccoordinating the use of genetic tests and related services in British Columbia

8 Aug 2012

The views expressed in the evidence brief are the views of the authors and should not be taken to represent the views of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research or of McMaster University. [...] These gaps exist in delivery arrangements (e.g., lack of overarching regulations or guidelines for the delivery of and quality assurance in all laboratory and non-laboratory services, and lack of coordination and communication across providers and settings), financial arrangements (e.g., lack of coordinated funding and reimbursement models to support a re-organization of existing resources), and g [...] Potential barriers to the implementation of a comprehensive approach to coordinating the use of genetic tests and related services in B. C. can be identified at the level of patients/individuals (e.g., the asymmetry of knowledge and expertise between themselves and providers, frustration with past efforts), providers (e.g., perceived infringement on autonomy, lack of awareness of shared decision [...] A second goal of the study of single genes and their effects, whereas stakeholder dialogue is to generate action by those genomics is the study of the functions and interactions who participate in the dialogue and by those who of all the genes in the genome, including interactions review the dialogue summary and the video among them and environmental factors.(3;15;16) interviews with dialogue part [...] Published literature that increased availability of and demand for new genetic provided a comparative dimension to an tests and related services; 2) the lack of coordinated understanding of the problem was sought using programs and services; and 3) current health system three health services research “hedges” in MedLine, arrangements that limit the ability of the system to namely those for appropr
health education healthcare educational technology science and technology delivery of health care research systematic reviews evaluation audit biology cancer decision-making genetics medical genetics medical care medicine risk health system clinical trial genetics, medical direct-to-consumer advertising systematic review genetic testing further education fee-for-service health treatment clinical food and drug administration adherence (medicine) genetic disorders shared decision-making


Gauvin, François-Pierre

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